† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61805282, 11802339, and 11504420), the Opening Foundation of State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, China (Grant No. 201601-02), the Open Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Technology, China (Grant No. GNJGJS03), the Opening Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter, China (Grant No. SKLLIM1702), and the China Postdoctoral Innovation Science Foundation (Grant No. BX20180373).
A compact all-fiber polarization-maintaining Er:laser using a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror is reported. Fundamental single-pulse mode-locking operation can always self start, with a cavity round-trip decreased from ∼ 4.7 m to ∼ 1.7 m. When the pulse repetition rate is 121.0328 MHz, output pulse is measured to have a center wavelength/3-dB spectral bandwidth/radio frequency signal to noise ratio (SNR)/pulse width of 1571.65 nm/18.70 nm/80 dB/477 fs, respectively. Besides, three states including the exponential growth, damping state, and steady state are investigated through the build-up process both experimentally and numerically. Excellent stability of this compact Er:laser is further evaluated, demonstrating that it can be an easy-fabrication maintenance-free ultrafast candidate for the scientific area of this kind.
Ultrafast mode-locked fiber lasers[1] which deliver pulses of extremely short duration (specifically, on the order of ps or fs) have proved to be powerful tools in many crucial scientific applications such as nonlinear optics,[2–4] precision metrology,[5,6] ultrafine material processing,[7] etc. To realize mode lock, thousands or tens of thousands of longitudinal modes must be forced to lock together by either real or equivalent saturable absorbers.[8–13] Compared with real saturable absorbers,[14–21] equivalent saturable absorbers based on the intra-cavity nonlinear effect highlight their advantages such as high damage threshold, ultrafast recovery time, and cost-effectiveness.
There are three most common equivalent saturable absorbers in mode-locked fiber lasers, namely nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE),[22–27] nonlinear loop mirror (NOLM),[28,29] and nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM).[30,31] All of them could provide sub-100-fs laser pulse output from standard single-mode fibers.[32] However, NPE relies on the polarization rotation in fiber and is highly sensitive to environmental perturbations. Consequently, it is not deployable outside the laboratory. Both NOLM and NALM could be easily designed with polarization-maintaining (PM) fibers, and therefore this problem could be settled.[29] But original NOLM and NALM are hard to initiate mode lock because of limited peak power sensitivity. When incorporating with a nonreciprocal phase shifter properly, the nonlinear transmission of loop mirror could be shifted into the peak power sensitive region.[33] As a result, self-starting operations could be realized.
In 2016, a PM NALM mode-locked Er:fiber laser was demonstrated with unprecedented excellent stability against accelerations >10 g in a rocket launching process.[34] Despite that, in this laser a polarizing beam splitter and two wave-plates were adopted to tune intra-cavity nonreciprocal phase which needed carefully adjusting. In comparison, the adoption of all-fiber components made the laser fabrication process much easier, and greatly enhanced the laser stability and eliminated the uncertainty during adjustments. In 2017, an all-fiber PM NALM mode-locked Er:fiber laser was first put forward.[35] Although fully self-starting mode-locking operation was realized with a fundamental repetition rate of 48.8 MHz–64.7 MHz, the onset was in a multiple-pulse regime. Therefore, a stable single pulse operation could be obtained only by reducing the pump power to a lower value. Similar self-starting with multiple-pulse regime was also founded in a recent all-fiber PM Yb:laser mode locked by a biased NALM.[36]
In this paper, an all-fiber PM Er:laser mode locked by a biased NALM is presented. Self-starting fundamental mode-locking operation in single-pulse regime is always observed. The output pulse repetition rate is scaled up nearly three times from ∼ 46.5 MHz to 121.0328 MHz by cutting pigtails of fiber components. A 12-h test is explored to demonstrate this Er:laser’s stability. In contrast to previous researches on mode-locked fiber lasers by NALMs, our system is the most effective ever reported — it utilizes only commercially available all-fiber components and two types of fibers (PM single-mode fiber and PM gain fiber). And what is the most important in all items is that the all-fiber configuration eliminates tedious and elaborates adjustments, and thus enhancing the stability greatly.
The measurement of the output temporal profile was performed by combining an InGaAs photodetector (with a bandwidth of 12 GHz) with an oscilloscope (with a bandwidth of 1 GHz). A second harmonic generation-based autocorrelator (Femto-chrome, FR-103XL) was used to measure the output pulse width. Other measuring equipment included an optical spectrum analyzer (with a resolution of 0.02 nm), a power meter, a frequency counter (Agilent, 53220 A), and a radio-frequency (RF) spectrum analyzer (with a bandwidth of 1 GHz).
In experiments, a laser cavity is built by directly splicing each of components together without fiber pigtails cut at first. The original laser cavity has a round-trip length ∼ 4.7 m, which corresponds to mode-locking pulses with a repetition rate of ∼ 46.5 MHz. The initial pump power threshold is measured to be ∼ 220 mW. In order to increase the pulse repetition rate, each intra-cavity pigtail is cut into a length of about 10 cm. Figure
Fundamental self-starting soliton mode-locking operation is always observed until the output repetition rate reaches to a maximum of 121.0328 MHz. No fiber flapping nor shaking is required. Meanwhile, only single-pulse instead of multiple-pulse is detected. In order to emphasize the key role of phase shifter in the mode-locking operation, we find that no mode lock can be obtained any more if the phase shifter is removed. The reason for this is that the phase shifter contributes to a saturable absorption regime for the intra-cavity pulse. But when it is removed, the intra-cavity pulse evolves in a reverse saturable absorption regime.[33] Only saturable absorption regime can provide positive feedback for mode-locking operation. Figure
To characterize the self-starting process more clearly, the oscilloscope is set to be in the single trigger mode. Then, the 980-nm LD is turned on with the threshold pump power of 504 mW waiting for the onset of modelock. After a very short time, the oscilloscope is triggered and stopped with a record of pulse train. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (a) Build-up process of self-starting mode-locking operation showing: 1 exponential growth, 2 damping state, 3 steady state. (b) A zoom-in plot of the steady state. |
![]() | Fig. 4. Output characteristics at 121.0328 MHz. (a) Optical spectrum; (b) first peak of RF spectrum. Inset of panel (b) shows the intensity autocorrelation. |
The measured RF spectrum is plotted in Fig.
Moreover, a long-term output test of the Er:laser is conducted. During the test, this laser is placed in an office room where temperature is controlled with an ordinary air conditioner. Figure
The most popular method used for simulating the propagation of pulse in an optical fiber is the well-known Ginzburg–Landau equation.[37,38] To have a better understanding of the mode-locking principle, the laser configuration used in the experiment is modeled by solving the Ginzburg–Landau equation with an iteration method. The gain saturation coefficient of EDF is changed to realize the mode-locking. All other simulation parameters are in accordance with the experimental setup. The simulation started from an one-photon-per-mode noise signal.
In order to compare the simulation results with the experimental build-up process, the temporal peak power of output pulse is plotted in Fig.
In conclusion, a compact self-starting all-fiber PM Er:laser with a biased NALM is demonstrated in this work. Evolution of the output repetition rate with respect to the cavity round-trip length is studied. When the repetition rate is increased to 121.0328 MHz, the self-starting mode-locking build-up process and the stable operation characteristics are further studied. For the first time, the detailed build-up process of Er:laser mode locked by a biased NALM including exponential growth from noise, damping state, and steady state is uncovered both experimentally and numerically. Excellent stability of this self-starting Er:laser is also demonstrated, showing that it is an ideal candidate for compact and robust ultrafast fiber sources.
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